Escargot by Dashka Slater, pictures by Sydney Hanson

Published by Farrar, Straus, and Giroux

Summary:  Escargot is a chatty French snail who would like to be your friend.  He’s on his way to a salad, and as he goes, he gives a stream of consciousness narration.  Did you know no one ever says the snail is their favorite animal?  Some people think snails are slimy, but that stuff they leave as they go is really more shimmery.  And they’re actually not as shy nor as slow as you might think.  Look at how fast Escargot is approaching that salad!  After consuming the carrot (which he didn’t think he would like!), he connects with a kid at the end, climbs on his hand, and gives him a big kiss.  Mwah!  40 pages; ages 4-7.

Pros:  Dust off your Inspector Clouseau-inspired French accent to read this aloud.  Kids will love the adorable Escargot and his Gallic flair.

Cons:  I feared for the fate of a French snail named Escargot, especially as he was traveling toward a salad.

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